„Olympic climbers are learning from monkeys“
„Understanding Modern Bouldering -“
„From arboreal locomotion of terrestrial tetrapods to rock climbing in humans“
„Trainiere lieber ungewöhnlich“
„Der Analytiker“
„Climbing Prophet of the time“
Workshops and seminars in Dublin Ireland for the Irish Climbing Federation.
10-day camp for Bergen Klatreklubb, Norway.
Movement Catalogue for a climbing movement master class.
30 years of Performance Rock Climbing.
Coaching Team Hongkong at the 2023 Climbing World Cups.
Coaching Team Hongkong at the 2023 Climbing World Cups.
Coaching Team Hongkong at the 2023 Climbing World Cups.
Coaching Team Hongkong at the 2023 Climbing World Cups.
Workshop and seminar at Minimum, Zurich.
Jacky Godoffe’s RIC-scale is helpful for the constraints-led approach.
Coaches education for TOC Limburg.
Coaches education for TOC Limburg.
Impressed by the rock climbing skills of Olympian Sam Avezou.
Great workshops and seminars at with the Spanish Team Sputnik.
Great workshops and seminars at with the Spanish Team Sputnik.
Great workshops and seminars at with the Spanish Team Sputnik.
Regionalzentren übergreifende Fortbildung für Trainer:innen in Basel, CH.
Motor learning seminars for the IFSC’s World Climbing Academy in Krakow, Poland.
Playing with the finals problems of the Brixen Boulder World Cup.
Re-uniting with USA Climbing coach Alvaro Rangel at the Brixen Boulder World Cup 2023.
Workshops and seminars at PxP Thessaloniki (Greece).
Climbing at one of the last major areas on the bucket list, Meteora.
Bouldering with former athlete Jule Wurm and Greek hopeful Eva Kalli.
As terrible as the war in Ukraine is – I learned to know the fabulous Ksenia Zakharowa.
With former athlete Jule Wurm and Team Greece at the European Championships, Munich.
Camp in Kaunas / Lithuania.
„Kunst und Wissenschaft des Boulderns“ Workshop & Vortrag von Udo Neumann, dem „Vater des modernen Boulderns“.
Workshops and seminars at PxP Thessaloniki (Greece).
Workshops and seminars at Vertical Volos (Greece).
Another cool training camp with Alex Wydler training (CH).
The RIC Scale as an umbrella concept for climbing practice. Workshop in Barcelona (Spain).
Spanish version of Klettertraining book – Fuerza, movilidad y control para escaladores, bloqueros, ninjas, artistas y otras profesiones tácticas.
Olympic climbers are learning from monkeys with Natalie Berry for WIRED magazine.
Climbing Practice design for injury prevention, online seminar at the Segundo Simpósio Internacional de Saúde do Escalado (Brazil).
Climbing Performance Coaching online courses.
How to become a better climber (while in lockdown) – online workshops for ABBEE (Brazil).
Online seminars for CHKMCU (Hong Kong).
Climbing Practice design for injury prevention, online seminar at the Segundo Simpósio Internacional de Saúde do Escalado (Brazil).
The Climbing Talent Development Show on YouTube.
Feedback for Climbing Technique of the 21st Century.
Movement seminar for Escalada et Mas (Peru).
„Ideas to improve your climbing“, three part course series.
Video „Ideas to improve your climbing“, Consulting for Club Alpine Belge and their „Be Gold“ program.
Innovative warm-up practice for enhancing climbing performance
Presenting with the late David Lama at the World Championships, Innsbruck 2018, RIP David!
Coaching seminars and workshops world wide, starting January in Canada, than Peru, Croatia, Belgium, Latvia, USA and many more.
Consulting for Innsbruck 2018 climbing world championships.
Video analyses is always a part of udini's coaching
Coaching seminars and workshops world wide, starting January in Canada, than Peru, Croatia, Belgium, Latvia, USA and many more.
Consulting for Innsbruck 2018 climbing world championships.
Workshops and presentations all over the world
Coaching seminars and workshops world wide, starting January in Canada, than Peru, Croatia, Belgium, Latvia, USA and many more.
Consulting for Innsbruck 2018 climbing world championships.
“Factors deciding climbing competitions” for Innsbruck 2018
Coaching seminars and workshops world wide, starting January in Canada, than Peru, Croatia, Belgium, Latvia, USA and many more.
Consulting for Innsbruck 2018 climbing world championships.
Camp with route-setter Robert Lux at Bloc Shop, Montreal, Canada
Coaching seminars and workshops world wide, starting January in Canada, than Peru, Croatia, Belgium, Latvia, USA and many more.
Consulting for Innsbruck 2018 climbing world championships.
Consalting the Belgian “Be Gold“ climbing program
Climbing Talent at the 2017 Youth Camp, London
Jan Hojer European Champion for the 2nd time. Stop working for the German DAV because …
Video „Climbing Technique of the year 21st century“ published.
Climbing Technique of the 21st Century
Jan Hojer European Champion for the 2nd time. Stop working for the German DAV because …
Video „Climbing Technique of the year 21st century“ published.
Der Bewegungsprofessor geht
Climbing Coaches Symposium, Manchester 2016
With UK-climbing legend Johnny Dawes in England’s Peak District.
New book „Klettertraining“ published.
Bouldering in Portugal
Juliane Wurm and Jan Hojer become European bouldering champions in Innsbruck.
Later this year coaching clinic in Atlanta/USA
Coach of the successful German Boulder Team with Jan Hojer and Jule Wurm European Champions!
Published ebook „the Art and Science of Bouldering“ – life stays exciting...
My athlete Jan Hojer wins overall bouldering world cup and later this year Juliane Wurm becomes bouldering world champion
The Art and Science of Bouldering e-book
Published ebook „the Art and Science of Bouldering“ – life stays exciting...
My athlete Jan Hojer wins overall bouldering world cup and later this year Juliane Wurm becomes bouldering world champion
Juliane Wurm becomes bouldering World Champion, 2014, Munich
Published ebook „the Art and Science of Bouldering“ – life stays exciting...
My athlete Jan Hojer wins overall bouldering world cup and later this year Juliane Wurm becomes bouldering world champion
With Jule Wurm at the IFSC Climbing World Championships 2014, Munich
Another exciting Boulder World Cup season with the victory of my athletes Jan Hojer and Jule Wurm as a highlight.
Intense working on „the Art and Science of Bouldering“ ebook.
Boulder World Cup 2013 report – Innsbruck, Austria
Intense Boulder World Cup season.
Bouldering trips to France’s Brittany and Spain’s Santa Gadea among others
50th birthday with Akiyo Noguchi and Yuka Kobayashi – nice!
Coaching at the 2012 Climbing World Championships
Intense Boulder World Cup season.
Bouldering trips to France’s Brittany and Spain’s Santa Gadea among others
Jan Hojer training
Intense Boulder World Cup season.
Bouldering trips to France’s Brittany and Spain’s Santa Gadea among others
Bouldering World Cup 2012, Chongqing
One month trip to Indonesia’s Sumatra to film Orang Utans in their natural habitat.
My athlete Jule Wurm third place at the Bouldering World Championships in Arco.
Bouldering in Santa Gadea, Spain
„Lizenz zum Bouldern“, instand success, tremendous reviews.
German coach for IFSC Boulder World Cups with 7 locations world wide. My athlete Jule Wurm second at European Championships in Innsbruck.
Produced 7 „Boulder WC 2010 reports“, published on youtube. New totally overhauled edition of „Lizenz zum Klettern“.
The Boulder World Cup reports are famous for their informative split screens comparisons
„Lizenz zum Bouldern“, instand success, tremendous reviews.
German coach for IFSC Boulder World Cups with 7 locations world wide. My athlete Jule Wurm second at European Championships in Innsbruck.
Produced 7 „Boulder WC 2010 reports“, published on youtube. New totally overhauled edition of „Lizenz zum Klettern“.
Lizenz zum Klettern
Trip to Bali, Indonesia for surfing and climbing. Workshop and presentation for local „Gibbon Climbing Club“.
Started working on „Lizenz zum Bouldern“ bouldering book with trips to Austria, CZ, France etc.
Organization of international boulder contest „Bronx Rock Invitational 2009, this time it’s personal“.
Started working as Head Coach Bouldering for the German Alpine Club.
Gabi Kurth bouldering on sea cliffs in Bali
Trip to Bali, Indonesia for surfing and climbing. Workshop and presentation for local „Gibbon Climbing Club“.
Started working on „Lizenz zum Bouldern“ bouldering book with trips to Austria, CZ, France etc.
Organization of international boulder contest „Bronx Rock Invitational 2009, this time it’s personal“.
Started working as Head Coach Bouldering for the German Alpine Club.
Workshop for Gibbon Climbing Club, Bali, Indonesia
Trip to Bali, Indonesia for surfing and climbing. Workshop and presentation for local „Gibbon Climbing Club“.
Started working on „Lizenz zum Bouldern“ bouldering book with trips to Austria, CZ, France etc.
Organization of international boulder contest „Bronx Rock Invitational 2009, this time it’s personal“.
Started working as Head Coach Bouldering for the German Alpine Club.
Lizenz zum Bouldern
Trip to Thailand, bouldering on the island „Koh Tao“, Organization of international boulder contest „Bronx Rock Invitational 2008, the future is female“.
Documentation of „BAZ!“ the word’s largest bouldering contest on artificial structures.
„Die 2te Lizenz zum Klettern DVD“
Bouldering on Koh Tao, Thailand
New completely overhauled edition of „Lizenz zum Klettern“ (V3!)
Two months in NZ, surfing and bouldering via Hong Kong and Australia!
Bouldering high above Hong Kong
New completely overhauled edition of „Lizenz zum Klettern“ (V3!)
Two months in NZ, surfing and bouldering via Hong Kong and Australia!
The Scorcerer’s Aprentice, Castle Hill, NZ
Two months in NZ, surfing and bouldering, Yosemite on the way!
Started working on film / multimedia / book project „Climbing Performance de:constructed“ that was finished end of 2007…
Bastard, Castle Hill, NZ
Two months in NZ, surfing and bouldering, bouldering in Joshua Tree on the way, workshops and presentations in NZ, Iceland and Germany.
New english film „psicobloc 101“ about deep water soloing, starring Chris Sharma and Toni Lamprecht among others.
Bouldering in Fontainebleau
Two months in NZ, surfing and bouldering, bouldering in Joshua Tree on the way, workshops and presentations in NZ, Iceland and Germany.
New english film „psicobloc 101“ about deep water soloing, starring Chris Sharma and Toni Lamprecht among others.
Bouldering at France’s Brittany
Published ebook „the Art and Science of Bouldering“ – life stays exciting...
My athlete Jan Hojer wins overall bouldering world cup and later this year Juliane Wurm becomes bouldering world champion
Psicobloc (deep water soloing) with Chris Sharma
Climbing and bouldering trips to the USA and Turkey.
Got more into photography again, publications in major climbing and outdoor magazines.
Started film „VerdonVertigo“ about the biggest Canyon in Europe. Still working on it...
Lizenz zum Klettern DVD
Climbing and bouldering trips to the USA and Turkey.
Got more into photography again, publications in major climbing and outdoor magazines.
Started film „VerdonVertigo“ about the biggest Canyon in Europe. Still working on it...
Udo Neumann making the „Acid Test“, New Zealand
Route-setting the world’s first skating move
Shoulder injury from bouldering, needed surgery for the first time in my life. New, completely re-worked edition of „Lizenz zum Klettern“.
Routesetting for national boulder comp. Interviewed by KLETTERN.
Bunker bouldering
Moved to Austria south of Salzburg to a mountain hut to write book with Klem. Started film „Climbing at the limit of human performance“ about writing the book.
Lots of presentations that year. Got into freestyle kayaking. Moved back to Cologne at the end of the year.
Der XI. Grad - Climbing at the limit of human performance with Klem Loskot
New edition of Performance Rock Climbing in Japanese
Made plans to write book „Der XI. Grad“ with Klem Loskot. Two months in western USA and Mexico.
Edited extrem kayaking film „Sickline“.
Klem Loskot, first ascent of „Zero G“, Germany
Trip to South Africa with Klem and some other friends. Surfed Jeffrey’s Bay! Finished video „Evolution/Revolution“.
Almost drowned surfing in France. Edited extrem kayaking film „boof chicken boof“ for filmmaker Olaf Obsommer.
Got interested in kayaking again.
With Jibé Tribout in the UK
Trip to South Africa with Klem and some other friends. Surfed Jeffrey’s Bay! Finished video „Evolution/Revolution“.
Almost drowned surfing in France. Edited extrem kayaking film „boof chicken boof“ for filmmaker Olaf Obsommer.
Got interested in kayaking again.
Filming the bouldering of South Africa’s Rocklands with Klem Loskot
Video „boulder!“ about – well – bouldering. Filmed in the US, France and Germany.
Starring among others Fred Nicole and Markus Bock. Edited by myself on an Apple Mac 7500!
With Fred Nicole in Switzerland
Video „boulder!“ about – well – bouldering. Filmed in the US, France and Germany.
Starring among others Fred Nicole and Markus Bock. Edited by myself on an Apple Mac 7500!
Filming Fred Nicole in Switzerland
started German climbing book „Lizenz zum Klettern“, layouting it myself on PC with 20 MB of RAM.
Moved to Forchheim/Frankenjura.
Werner Thon, FA of “Hulk”, Frankenjura
started German climbing book „Lizenz zum Klettern“, layouting it myself on PC with 20 MB of RAM.
Moved to Forchheim/Frankenjura.
Climbing Devils Tower, Wyoming, USA
„Performance Rock Climbing“ finally finished and published by Stackpole books!
Edited first film by the same name on a tape based system. Both instant successes.
Presentations and workshops in the US and Canada.
Two month trip to China. Urumtschi to Lanzhou per Bike. Climbed (buildered) on the Great wall of China...
Two month trip to China. Urumtschi to Lanzhou per Bike. Climbed (buildered) on the Great wall of China...
Lots of climbing, including first ascents up to 8a.
FA of "Hydra", Ettringen, Germany
Started writing „Performance Rock Climbing“ with Dale Goddard. Spent 5 months in the States. Onsight climbing up to 5.12c.
Photographed cover of „Outside“ magazine.
Dale Goddard, FA ascent of „Serves you right“, Hueco Tanks, Texas
Started writing „Performance Rock Climbing“ with Dale Goddard. Spent 5 months in the States. Onsight climbing up to 5.12c.
Photographed cover of „Outside“ magazine.
Writing “Performance Rock Climbing” with Dale Goddard in Hueco Tanks
Got MA in sport science. Master thesis „Determining factors of competition climbing“.
Smith Rocks (USA), "Chain Reaction"
Won regional climbing championships, made plans with Dale Goddard to write book.
After a performance with my fantastic circus kids
My Performing Arts past.
More of all! Competed in „Climbing World Championships“ in Troubat / France.
Could have been worse, since used to competing. Some guys where just on much higher level climbing wise …
Fontainebleau, Le 13ème Travail d’Hercule 7a+
More of all! Competed in „Climbing World Championships“ in Troubat / France.
Could have been worse, since used to competing. Some guys where just on much higher level climbing wise …
Participating in one of the last climbing competitions on rock, Troubat
first trips „through the iron curtain“ to Saxony in the „German Democratic Republic“, the birthplace of modern sport climbing. Awesome routes on towers!
3 months in California and Mexico. Some Yosemite classics. Second or third ascent of Bikini Whale, 5.12b in Joshua Tree
Cocaine Corner, Yosemite
first trips „through the iron curtain“ to Saxony in the „German Democratic Republic“, the birthplace of modern sport climbing. Awesome routes on towers!
3 months in California and Mexico. Some Yosemite classics. Second or third ascent of Bikini Whale, 5.12b in Joshua Tree
FA of "Tausend Augen", a buildering route in downtown Cologne
First trip to the Verdon! Got inspired by Jerry Moffat and Wolfgang Güllich.
Met Dale Goddard on later trip to Verdon
Getting ready to shoot Wolfgang Güllich, Verdon
First trip to the Verdon! Got inspired by Jerry Moffat and Wolfgang Güllich.
Met Dale Goddard on later trip to Verdon
Getting ready to shoot Wolfgang Güllich, Verdon
First trip to the States, hitchhiked from New York to Boulder/Colorado, climbed lots of classics at Eldorado Canyon.
Bought car in Boulder, went to Yosemite, tried the Nose and Halfdome, almost killed ourselves numerous times...
Started studying biology. First trip to Bleau ... love on first sight!
Udo bouldering in Yosemite Valley
First trip to the States, hitchhiked from New York to Boulder/Colorado, climbed lots of classics at Eldorado Canyon.
Bought car in Boulder, went to Yosemite, tried the Nose and Halfdome, almost killed ourselves numerous times...
Started studying biology. First trip to Bleau ... love on first sight!
Udo bouldering in Yosemite Valley
Abitur. Started climbing with very basic equipment and knowledge hiked through Corsica. Started studying Sports Science at DSHS Cologne.
Udo buildering
When I was 6 years old.
Moon Landing
This book will help you to prepare for your climbing goals. It shows you how to develop strength, flexibility and control efficiently and how to keep your body performing well into old age. If you are able to master the basics of training and practice the exercises described here, you will reach a level of strength, agility and control that is second to none in the world of athletes.
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