Welcome to the Art and Science of Bouldering! This 237 page e-book is an extension to our printed german book Lizenz zum Bouldern. You find all the content of that book in here, much of it has been updated with interactive elements added. Download your copy here.
The interactive features are the parts that take you beyond the basic reading experience, where you’re just looking at a page, and give you a deeper experience, like hyperlinks that let you navigate around the file. Our test readers reported that they felt more drawn in and thus held their attention longer compared to printed books. The book is designed to be read on screen, though if you want you can print it out too.
Note that while there are often links to videos for further reference, they are not part of the document to keep file size manageable (ca. 140mb)! the Art and Science of Bouldering is easy to read on virtually any device. It has been thoroughly tested with Good Reader and PDF expert on iPad 2, (later models of course are more performant) as well as on Android devices and of course Adobe Reader on different computers.
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