Keep it simple, stupid!
We are trying to make the format as simple to understand as possible and still allow the girls and boys to compete on an equal basis.
- Each competitor will be given a part of the artificial structure to put up his or her problem with an identical set of holds. We allow 60 minutes for that. The girls will get 10 more minutes to put 2 more golden “joker holds” into the male problem of their respective area where they see fit to compensate for lack of reach for example.
- During the actual 90 minutes comp, everybody climbs as many problems as possible, the own problem being of course of most importance. Every problem is worth € 250. This money will be split like this:
- one point for a boy doing a girl problem 2 points for a girl doing a girl problem,
- 2 points for a boy doing a boy problem
- 2 points for a girl doing a boy problem with the 2 joker holds
- 4 points for a girl doing a boy problem without the 2 joker holds! Finally, a special prize for the girl that put up a problem no boy can climb! (Unlikely you say? – well, Angelica Lind’s problem #1 last year never saw a second ascent!)
Was ist neu beim “screw-it-yourself” format?
Die Boulderer müssen ihre Boulder selber setzen. Jeder der von uns eingeladenen Teilnehmer bekommt ein identisches Griffset von 32 verschiedenen Griffen und hat eine Stunde Zeit einen Boulder für den anschließenden Wettkampf zu schrauben. Dabei sind ihm keine Grenzen gesetzt, einzig der ihm zugeloste Wandteil beeinflusst den Style des Boulders.