This video consists of following routes:
Xaxid Hostel 9a/+ – Mišja Peč / Osp / Slovenia
Tanec Kuřátek 9a – Jáchymka cave / Moravia Carst / Czech republic
Perlorodka 9a+ – Lidomorna sector / Holštejn crag / Moravian Cars / Czech Republic
Well, old stuff goes through this video away to create space for for somethig new, hopefully much better. But what?
The directors are currently working on a new and much more challenging film with Adam Ondra called Change. Still a lot of work and traveling ahead of us, but you can already take a look at many photos, videos and texts on the new web-page about the movie.
New free 20 min long “Behing the scenes” movie about CHANGE movie project coming in the first half on May, follow the web-page!
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